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Notepad.cc - a piece of paper in the cloud (notepad.cc)
134 points by jacobbijani on June 17, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 67 comments

While I have seen this done several times before, this is the first time it has been done with a clean interface and limited options... making this the clear winner already.

As a developer though I prefer http://gist.github.com

Thanks. Gist is really awesome for some things, but it definitely servers a certain form of "composing and storing text online."

Jacob are you planning to add some formatting options?

What you consider to be the main use cases for notepad.cc?

Writing stuff down.

Jakob, you did a great job. A couple of suggestions.

1. Make it visible when the text cannot be saved. Nobody wants to lose his work because of Wi-Fi glitch. In my version of notepad I implemented this with a light yellow frame around the textarea. I'm sure there's a better way to do it.

2. Imagine you could type a note into an address bar, hit Enter and have it added to your notepad. It's easy to implement, and it works really great for saving page URLs. Here's how I did it with a similar service of mine. Define a keyword search (e.g. "g hello world" - Google Search, "s hello world" - add a note), in Opera it's trivial - right-click the text area, select Create Search, and pick a keyword, I guess in other browsers it's doable too. The POST request carries the name of the page and a note to be added. It might sound simple, obvious, useless, but try it and there's a chance you'll love it.

3. List of my pages in the sidebar. Like, when I prefix my pages with "alisey." they go to the sidebar. E.g alisey.links, alisey.snippets.

In fact, for a high-latency connection like mine, it'd be nice to have one color to mean "trying to save" and another meaning "failed to save". Or maybe copy Gmail's "server request pending, are you sure you want to navigate away?" pop-up.

Note through URL idea is superb. Clearly you've lures me over to your service, so what's the URL?

Well, it's a quick hack for private use, please be gentle. http://pisets.org.ua/hn

don't forget about ubquity!

Well I can see myself paying for such a tool.. as in my-username.notepad.cc, all files saved under a master password.

Is it possible to get the files sync to dropbox? may be through dropbox api?

Paying for your own namespace...now that's an idea!

I am sorry, was that sarcastic?

Nope. It's a great idea :)

Oh, my bad. :)

This is great. Simple, well designed, and just enough features. I especially enjoy the vanity url and password protection. Good work!

Very nice. I love how many projects you churn out, Jacob. And how good they look. It's inspiring. And humbling.

Hey, thanks!

Neat. I tried viewing a note in IE7 and it didn't display right. http://i.imgur.com/pKdJG.png

It looks neat, and is the sort of thing I both wish I'd thought of first, and wish had the source available so I could run it (for myself) on my own server. This would be a lot better than my current solution for saving scraps of code, notes, or other digital ephemera, but most of that I can't put on someone else's storage.

Time for me to get coding, then, I suppose? :)

I'd thought about etherpad, but it seemed too busy to switch from my current Editpad setup. The UI on notepad.cc is fantastic, and it's a great idea, so I'm thinking about whether this itch should be scratched a second (third, fourth, infinite?) time where I code it and the release the source, since that's a "feature" I'd like to see.

I really like how you can add a password in a non-intrusive way. I mean, it doesn't force you to use it but when you need it, it's really easy to add one :)

And by the way, when I want to save things for myself, I hacked a little snippet:

my-ip/whatever-category-1/category-2/whatever i wanna save -> And it saves it. I can then access it on my-ip : )

While I don't personally have a reason to use this, I'm sure a lot of people will find it quite useful.

One suggestion though, the user should be able to select their own URL if possible, and if they want to. I know it'll pose some security risks, but having a totally ridiculous address is going to make your notepad less than memorable.

There is a link to change the URL below the notepad. It validates and confirms that the name isn't taken and then renames your notepad and redirects you.

Alternately, you can just visit any URL you want and (as long as it's available) start using it.

I think that means you win, then.

Great job!

This one in particular is hilarious: http://notepad.cc/hello

Great job jacob. It's very clean and straight-forward. I like how it instantly creates a shareable url. I've been working on a similar (though not exact) concept on the side for a few months now. Demo: http://bulletxt.com/demo

I did a similar project a few months ago: http://zonewriter.com/

If you hover to the right of the text box, a sidebar with basic formatting options appear.

So, I tell here what I am looking for: maybe someone will find it interesting and want to implement that.

I have android phone and few linux desktop. I want to be able to record notes (simple unformatted text is good) and maybe even voice recording on my phone and have them appear via widget on my desktop transparently.

There are webapp that kind of let you do something at least remotely similar (oi notes, astrid, springpad, evernote) but none of them offer a good set of API that would allow me to have a transparent client.

Simplenote, http://simple-note.appspot.com might be what you're looking for. It has a pretty good API and a nice web interface.

I really like the iPhone app but I don't think it has any other native apps.

Stupid question... but if I put something personal in there... what's to stop you from reading it? I mean... you could steal my million dollar startup idea. Or is that the plan?

the "add password" feature?

Doesn't mean the data's encrypted on the server-side though. The person running this could probably access anything written here pretty easily. That's a trade-off you make with almost any cloud service though.

If you have a super-secret million-dollar startup idea or something really personal that you don't ever want anyone reading, you probably shouldn't be putting it anywhere on the internet.

Eh. Do you email ideas? Someone could read those, too.

Actually as all email traffic is sent in clear text (unless encrypted using PGP or a program of the sort) - these can be read by any node between your SMTP server and the recipient's POP server not just the end points.

The site definitely needs HTTPS.

I agree. While someone on the server might be able to read it, there's no need for everyone with a sniffer to be able to.

Regardless, I like this.

I can definitely see myself using this in the future. It has a very similar feel to dropbox in that it "just works". If you need some support developing an iPhone/iPod/iPad app for it, which I think would be a great idea, I would be happy to lend a hand.

Nice project. Reminds me a little of http://htlm.org

But what I really wanted to say: there's a link to http://www.tumblr.com/?notepad that's kind of dead (?)

thank you

Great idea. Is there a write up on this? A blog entry at least?

Some sort of 'about' so users can find out who wrote it, and what (if any) T&Cs and privacy there are, is probably in order, at least to keep the lawyers at bay.

Out of interest, where is the data stored? Cloud?

just came across this as it was being used for the froyo port to cdma hero by xda folks, and think it's awesome. something cool to do might be to make it like tomboy notes where you can link between notes, though this probably defeats the purpose.

and as an aside, would make for a great faceplate page, or at least humorous. or be able to add some code to the <head> and let it redirect to an OpenID Oauth so that the addy could be used as an openID. might need to specify admin versus guest on that (like a drop.io type setup). speaking of, is this searchable by search engines (or hidden like a drop.io)?

Awesome... but what is the difference between the URI of the page (notepad.cc/test) and the "share this" link URI (notepad.cc/share/ASDF123)? Why aren't they the same? Different security? Different expiration lengths?

The share URLs are read-only.

That's a great idea, but not very obvious.

pretty simple, i like simple user interfaces. one thing that kind of sux is that you have to manually erase everything in the canvas if you want to start a new document. would be nice to add something to the effect of "start new txt". noticed that with a new tab, it seems to save the session data.

need to fix the multi-document feature. otherwise i like it, "share" rather than save. abstraction of the storage layer is great, i don't even want to know where it's stored, just give me access.

The idea was sot of just that you go back to notepad.cc (the index) to get a new auto-generated URL, and then you have two that you can edit. "Start a new doc" is just notepad.cc, or creating one in on the fly by just going to the URL you want.

In that regard, your browser offers multi-document support (via tabs or bookmarks, or delicious, whatever you use to remember the URLs).

You could still make a notepad.cc/new link and call it "Start new doc." The /new page just does the same thing as main index page (i.e. creates a new page and forwards to a new url).

I like your decision, that makes the whole UI useful and simple. It's also nice to open any URL, even notepad.cc/share works.

So, pastebin.ca reborn?

Sort of like http://txtb.in/ as well

Cool. I has to type something and reload to see if it saved automatically. I like that it does, I just didn't trust it.

Some basic formatting support would be awesome too.

Currently, if you add a + to the end of any URL it will switch to a monospace font.

I like that its impossibly simple, but I've thought about adding some more filters like that.

I might also just add support for cmd-b and cmd-i to make the font italic, but right now it's actually just a styled textarea. If only -webkit-user-modify was already supported outside Webkit :(

That's pretty cool.

I went and immediately tried it on my iPad. Unfortunately, the links don't show up when I pull up the page there. (The text does autosave though.)

Yeah, definitely want to make the mobile version a ton better. In the very least I wanted to make it actually work first.

Any plans of open sourcing this? What other features have you planned for it? Versioning? Like gist.github.com?

check google notebook. like their more powerful notebook for the web

Looks great, hoping to see source released sometime :)


How long does it retain the note once you close it?

Indefinitely. I might eventually go through and remove notepads that haven't been touched in months and only contain a few characters.

Why introduce an arbitrary limitation that does no good and save you nothing?


What database do you use for storage?

This is great. I love the simplicity.

does it work for mobile devices such as nonsmartphones?

(written frm samsng impct)

Not from my iPhone...

Takes forever to save.

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