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How much more would current customers pay for better billing dashboards?

How many customers quit amazon due to hard to read billing?

I suspect those are the two big questions to explain why this feature is lower on the priority radar...

This way of looking at things has never been particularly convincing to me... Of all the work that's done, at any organisation, almost none of it can truly answer those questions affirmatively.

"That lightbulb is broken!"

"I was going to replace it, but I couldn't find a customer to pay for it, and nobody has threatened to change to a brighter competitor"

Have you ever founded a startup? Did you spend your time working on features users will pay for, or an awesome billing dashboard (assuming billing is not your core product of course?) If so, how successful were you?

It's about focus. Only so many hours in a day, so many dollars, so many developers. If AWS got a nicer billing daashboard but Lambda was delayed by 6 months, how would it have changed the place AWS has in the market?

Yes you could take this too far and never change a light bulb. But I would answer "I will be more productive if I have a nice light bulb, so it is worth the 5 minutes to change it"

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