I'm creating a freemium subscription service and am wondering if I should have one "pro" account or break the "pro" service into smaller focused subscription services.
It's a site for musicians. The three "pro" services would be: extra space (photos and music), very detailed play stats, extra exposure/promo (featured spots etc).
These could easily be individual services or all lumped into one pro service.
Other examples:
wordpress - breaks down their site into several different services.
evernote - just has one premium service
Thoughts? Experiences? I haven't seen any good write-ups on this.
From my experience (I work at a freemium startup) I recommend going with one bundle plan. Fewer choices is usually easier otherwise they're worrying about what they need. You can always add another plan, but it's more difficult to take them away (Don't take candy from a baby!). Always try to minimize the amount a user has to think and how much pain it is to upgrade. Also, less important than how easy it is for your users, but important nonetheless: as a developer it's also more difficult to support and maintain different services/tiers
The key thing is less about what type of plan you're selling, but how well you're converting your users. Make sure you're notifying them when they're getting low on space, etc...