Not to go full KiA but "gaming journalism" has been little more than a soapbox for interest groups (be it the corporations that make games or people with political agendas) basically since its inception. Not that it's a good thing, but I don't really think there is ANY mainstream news source for gaming that is truly independent and impartial.
Individual YouTube Let's Play and Twitch streamers kind of can offer individual opinions or commentary on a game, that aren't really entrenched in the game journalism industry or vacuum/echo chamber. Which is more or less, is this fun, and how best to play this game, which is what we used to go to gaming magazines for.
But yeah, any official branch of "journalism" that directly courts advertisers and hires desperate writers fresh out of liberal arts schools who have few job prospects that their communications or journalism degrees are marketable (and may not even be that in to video games when they start) come packaged with the political opinions and agendas shaped by said institutions/departments that really have zilch to do with gaming consumerism or considerations when making a game beyond is this fun and will it sell, but they feel they have to make a difference somehow and use it as their soap box or some grander form of social commentary when most people just want to play Zelda and the creators probably had none of the intentions they project onto it.
One of the problems even in independent games journalism is that developers will maintain relationships with "reviewers" who are incentivized to only leave positive reviews, as not doing so will end their relationship with that developer and thus the supply of free / early released games. As a result, even small time streamers or youtube personalities are in on the fix.