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    ' Every sport match': gross exaggeration'
I grew up in Cape Town, South Africa - and throughout my high school sporting career I've played Soccer, Hockey, Cricket and Water Polo (the occasional game of Rugby too) - and yes, at the High School level every match has it's cheerleaders with vuvuzela's.

The sports where they are not used (in South Africa) are Cricket and Tennis - both of which the crowds are not permitted/expected to use any instruments of any kind (this changes for some provincial cricket games)

    'so if you grew up with them, you must be very young.'
I'm 20 - and you're correct on this point. They are a recent addition - but that does nothing to change their prevalence at South African sport events.

As for your cited article, one case of a South African disliking them and arguing againt fails to hold weight against the fans who continue to blow them at every game.

    'Incidentally the (black) man who invented the tin vuvuzela...'
I'm aware of this, and yes - it is unfortunate. If anything, this is further evidence of the profound difference in ignorance & education between the 'two worlds' (living in the first world as they call it - i.e. a major city, and living in the rural/township areas)

I'm afraid you may be generalising again: the sort of high schools where hockey and water polo are played are certainly not representative of the vast majority of high schools in South Africa.

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