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Well, i live here in Belgium ( good public transport/very wide coverage). The hard thing about public transport is that you have to find out where to go / how, if you are suddenly changing plans in a "not-known" area.

Not only that, it takes significantly longer than going by car. I think Elon Musk brings the best of both worlds by reducing travel time and avoiding busy roads/traffic jams ( no need to build it on the countryside) and if you want. You can return by night. Also, in Belgium, all our roads have severe traffic jams. The tunnels could reduce traffic jams on normal roads. Records break year after year with no solution ahead. ( and yeah, our governement invests a lot in public transport. It isn't profitable now and it will never be profitable -- heavily subsidised)

No public transit is affordable at night over a long distance. Almost everything happens by daytime.

I'm not saying public transport is bad, but it's not cost-effective if you want it everywhere / everytime.

This could really be the solution, it's genius. The cost of the tunnels would be paid back in a short time, only because roads are less jammed.

We already tried fast roads that avoid traffic in America in the form of elevated expressways that criss-cross the city core. They are an absolute eyesore and end up creating more traffic themselves due to induced demand. I think the real solution is a good, high-frequency public transport grid combined with an autonomous taxi or micro-transit system.

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