> HiringSolved, a technology company that leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning to solve problems for talent acquisition practitioners...
I almost stopped reading at this opening sentence. We've got "leverage", the double base covering with "artificial intelligence and machines learning", and the coup de grâce, "talent aquisition practitioners."
Maybe these are the top 10 languages/tech employers have a need for, but nothing beats pure intelligence, analytical/problem solving skills, and ravenous curiosity/drive to learn.
What an awful article. Good to know putting Verilog on your resume is a Most Wanted thing! You can put it to use by becoming an intern /after/ you graduate with a CS degree.
It is true that Perl being superseded doesn't make it immediately disappear. Even COBOL hasn't disappeared completely.
That said, Perl openings do seem to be in serious decline. Right now on indeed.com, there are 700 openings mentioning Perl for the BA. There are 4000 Python openings.
I almost stopped reading at this opening sentence. We've got "leverage", the double base covering with "artificial intelligence and machines learning", and the coup de grâce, "talent aquisition practitioners."
Slow clap for the buzzword compliance hat trick.