Good call. This is the country for which loopholes exist that basically allow any processed food product to claim being 'made with 100% chicken' [though not 100% of this product is that '100% chicken'] or 'Made with [a company called] 'Real'['s] cheese" or whatnot...
> 100% grated parmesan cheese. It's 100% grated. And there is parmesan cheese in it. Just not 100% cheese.
etc etc (via reddit this morning).
Can't really trust words that are picked to imply conclusions that are not legally being declared rigorously (and audited by some lawyer of an independent entity).
> 100% grated parmesan cheese. It's 100% grated. And there is parmesan cheese in it. Just not 100% cheese.
etc etc (via reddit this morning).
Can't really trust words that are picked to imply conclusions that are not legally being declared rigorously (and audited by some lawyer of an independent entity).