Interesting comment by Mark Suster. That leaves PHP, Java, and Python, perhaps. Did Suster ever expand on his comment?
I would think this depends on the acquiring company and their disposition to the language you're using - and the capabilities you've built.
Back during the rumored YHOO & MSFT acquisition, there was some concern over how a LAMP shop (YHOO) could integrate with an ASP.NET shop (MSFT). I don't know how much of an influence that had in the acquisition negotiations, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was at least a bullet point on the list of "Cons."
I would think this depends on the acquiring company and their disposition to the language you're using - and the capabilities you've built.
Back during the rumored YHOO & MSFT acquisition, there was some concern over how a LAMP shop (YHOO) could integrate with an ASP.NET shop (MSFT). I don't know how much of an influence that had in the acquisition negotiations, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was at least a bullet point on the list of "Cons."