Install git without requiring root privileges... Also git is a 3rd party application, yet somehow all distros treat git as part of base system/OS bundle/whatever, so Fedora 25 has set version of 2.9, 24 of 2.7, etc. WHY. WHY. It's third party software, not part of your god damn OS - there should be only one version of git in the repos for ALL FEDORA VERSIONS - and that would be the latest... Come the fuck on.
Replace "git" with every other package....
Linux is so amateur hour with all plainly stupid decisions, I'd rather pay good money for proper unix.
If you want the latest and greatest of everything, you could use Arch Linux.
Git today in many ways could be seen as fundamental component of many tools. Many packaging and build tools use it to fetch data. (like homebrew, plugin systems for many text editors etc.)
Also, the git version of your distribution IS relevant because other packages depend on it. For example, on my Ubuntu system the git package is a dependency of over 170 other packages. If you could install a newer version, a lot of these other packages might break.
The recommended way of installing git on macOS is via Apples git variant by installing Xcode which also requires root privileges btw.
If you grab git from Homebrew, it doesn't overwrite the Xcode one, so if you depend on that you're good. How hard could this possibly be for apt-get and the like?
to be fair, there is LinuxBrew[1]; also, apparently you can use nix to the same effect.
I do believe that Linux-based desktop OSs should separate base system from user software, kind of like *BSDs have been doing; actually, I'd really distros to embrace something like homebrew, where packages are installed per-user
Replace "git" with every other package....
Linux is so amateur hour with all plainly stupid decisions, I'd rather pay good money for proper unix.