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Please don't post trash video links like this here.

>Please don't post trash video links like this here.

Are you a mod, or just emulating one?

I watched the linked video in its entirety. It essentially said that the number is not six million but eleven million, and those five million people commonly forgotten deserve better. The tone was mostly somber and respectful.

While I loathe the general YouTube personality format to the core of my being, it's probably a stretch to call the video trash.

Of course, linking just a video URL is arguably poor form for HN.

My apologies, from the description and the title (forgetting the "holocaust") it seemed like a denier video. I was on my mobile and could not watch more than a few seconds. It was wrong to call it trash if the content is as you describe.

My post gathered negative 4 points so far, so rest assured that you're not the only one who fell for this.

But for fuck's sake, read/listen to the thing you comment on. Is this how engineers should behave? Do you build a new tool instead of understanding the old one? Do you re-do the library based on functional requirements (which you may or may not have read) instead of understanding and maybe refactoring it?

You made an ass of yourself, with your name, blog and github account searchable via your profile. This was a minor offence. Breathe and do better next time.

>You made an ass of yourself, with your name, blog and github account searchable via your profile.

No need to be vindictive, he already apologized.

So what if his real identity is tied to his account? Even if that somehow mattered, the fact you're trying to attack him for it while yourself remaining anonymous is hypocritical at best.

Don't post a single youtube link with no comment in the future if you expect people to engage with it. Your comments about "how engineers should behave" are not at all relevant, nor warranted.

I haven't watched the video but why is it trash? An explanation is always useful.

I watched it, I actually agree with it. The presenter argues that remembering 6 million Jews murdered by the Third Reich should really be only a part of remembering the 11 million humans (including homosexuals, resistance fighters, Romany etc) murdered by the same group of people. This shouldn't take anything away from the remembrance of the 6 million, but should include the remembrance of the remaining 5 million.

His main point is that human life is equal no matter what race or religion you are.

The one point he didn't touch on was the fact that many Germans (who were probably just trying to survive in the midst of a horrendous war) also lost their lives.

I think the point of the video is that you shouldn't single out one group of victims, but instead realise that WW2 (and indeed all wars) was a tragic, disgusting affair that caused huge losses for all sides involved.

It shouldn't be glorified, it shouldn't be used as any one group's foundation for revenge or compensation, it should (ideally) be used as a point of history that illustrated that wars are the most terrible thing that we can inflict on ourselves as a single species, and that however "correct" or "moral" the justification seems at the time, the reality is one of massive negative consequence for all involved, as well as generations to come.

This isn't saying that nothing should have been done to combat Hitler's campaign, but that the reality of war means that almost everyone involved becomes a victim, and that all victims should be remembered equally.

I didn't watch the video, but there is a huge difference between those who were members of a society who were murdered and tortured by their own people and victims of an invading army. It's not something that is done in the midst of war and it was not something done to an external country.

The lives may not be individually more important but the threat we face to ourselves of becoming intolerant and thus gassing mass amounts of people, putting them in ovens alive, and experimenting on them in the most torturous ways is morally different.

Maybe you should watch the video next time before you comment.

I was responding to the logic that all victims are equal, which was expressed in the parent post, but you knew that and are clearly attempting to bully and distract.

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