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Seems to me it would be just straightforward to get a list of people taking trazodone for long periods and measure their rates of neurodegeneration versus the general population versus those taking ssris.

Depression is repeatedly linked to changes in BDNF and neurogenesis, so you would probably just see greater neurodegeneration compared to healthy controls anyway. Post-marketing surveillance is hard to draw any causal conclusions from...

Trazodone is also used for sleep.

I think much more widely for sleep than depression.... it was originally an anti-depressent but had a nasty side-effect of making one very sleepy.

Trazodone helps me for sleep, it's incredible. I'm out like a light and it's not addictive. If you have nighttime anxiety and stress-related sleep issues, it can be a godsend.

I have heard that it is addictive so I'm curious as to what your experience is when not taking it. No withdrawal symptoms at all?

Nope, zero addiction. I take it about 5x a week, generally have weekends off.

also used for anger issues

It's interesting to see a sleep drug that might prevent Alzheimer's. I recently found out that benedryl might cause it.

That's why you compare against SSRIs

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