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With all due respect (it looks like some seriously impressive work you've done), how do you know they're using "typical algorithms?" Maybe they've devised something new or uncommon, or significant new optimizations of the "typical algorithms." In general I'd give a company like Microsoft the benefit of the doubt that they know what they're doing, and have considered and rejected alternative approaches — at least when it comes to objectively-measurable technical goals like "create a fast data structure to represent a DOM tree," if not always subjective big-picture goals like "make a good web browser" (even in that case, IE was, for its time, a good web browser — the best — until Ballmer let it languish).

Your data structure looks to me like it's roughly optimal for the case where the DOM tree is generated once and then is never or rarely modified, and nodes have several children relatively frequently and no children relatively rarely. But in the age of single-page-apps and other Javascript-heavy jQuery/Angular/React-type sites filled with DOM manipulation and AJAX, it's more important (especially in the exponentially-increasingly-common pathological case) to make it inexpensive to insert, delete and move nodes within the DOM tree.

With your data structure, every time you create a new `Node`, even one without any children, you have to allocate a new `vector`, which is a lot more expensive than just three pointers. Every time you insert or move a Node to an arbitrary location means an extremely expensive random-access insert into a vector (especially if it triggers a realloc), and every insertion, move or deletion in an arbitrary location requires updating the `node_index` of every sibling (old and new, in the case of a move), which also defeats the advantage of vectors over linked lists (avoiding indirection).

"Your data structure looks to me like it's roughly optimal for the case where the DOM tree is generated once and then is never or rarely modified"

Check gmail for example. It has just one list - element that has 100 children. Other elements have from 0 to 10 children.

And that 100 list is normally populated as a whole.

"even one without any children, you have to allocate a new `vector`"

You don't need to allocate anything if vector is empty ...

Vectors's data buffer gets allocated only when you put something in the vector. At least in my case. So empty vector is just one pointer - nothing to write home about it.

"every insertion, move or deletion in an arbitrary location requires updating the `node_index` of every sibling"

On any DOM insertion you need to scan all siblings almost always anyway. For quite many reasons, e.g. to reset styles that could use `this ~ that` or something like `:nth-child(odd)`

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