Um, no, this is a mouse study adding evidence for a link across some heavily studied pathways. One of my advisers cloned Il-1 30 years ago, and MyD88 is a well-studied protein in lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma. They've been working on this for a long time. It's hard. This is a step. Like many before it. And many after it.
Subparent that started this. Having had a eureka moment, they definitely exist. That said, it's still 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration. In my case, it's more like 0.00001% inspiration, and all the rest is perspiration.
A little from column A, a little from column B. Einstein worked on relativity for a decade, i think. Newton looks to have spent about 8 years sorting out calculus. A professor once said the Fourier transform was worked out over a couple of weeks in a French chateau accompanied by Fourier's lover. I've never found a source other than that prof's story though.
For me, and i suspect most people, when i work on something hard, i have a lot of ideas. most of them suck. some of them are promising but kind of die on the vine. That one sweet answer though, that idea is memorable. i think it's memorable because of the weeks, months, or years spent validating the idea is good enough.
Any idea if the skin inflammatory conditions here share a common cause with cold urticaria, allergy to cold? A family member gets skin rashes when exposed to freezers at the grocery store or the freezer at home.