It's just a bug in the holomatrix of the universe. As we get better peering behind the curtain, we'll see more bugs and maybe even be able to exploit them. Not that that's necessarily a good thing.
On the one hand, we sure seem pretty cooperative for a race designed to be warlike. Though on the other, I can imagine a race to whom we're horrifically warlike. I guess it's all a matter of perspective.
We're pretty social with other humans. But we tend to treat other animals pretty shitily. Also, there's serious argument that we committed genocide upon Neanderthals and perhaps some other early-human offshoots.
Wouldn't that be "real magic"? Re-writing the state of the universe or otherwise influencing how that state progresses? I have read stories where 'magic' causes side effects.
> The series follows Martin Banks, a programmer from 2012, who uses a computer file that allows him to alter reality to time travel to medieval England where he joins a community of other computer programmers posing as wizards.