Together with the fact that no bursts are seen in the Milky Way would mean that either they didn't find anyone here or us Milky Way guys are just too primitive.
In physics, we want explanations that are really crazy enough. Okay: It turns out that space-time curvature has an upper limit, and at that limit the curvature suddenly flattens with a big release of energy.
Now, if I knew enough physics to evaluate this crazy guess, then I would, but I won't until I make more progress with my startup!
As for Simons who pays for Quanta, make money first, do theoretical, cosmological physics later!
Also, curvature is a non-local phenomenon. In the sense that if you take a finite volume of space, re-arrange the spacetime however you like, you still have to have the same total curvature inside the volume. You don't have a free hand to reduce total curvature in a volume of spacetime without also altering the boundary.
Thanks! Nice differential geometry! I have some good books and plenty of background to read them, but I do need to read them. Want to; have for a long time; came close a few times but always something got in the way; will have to wait until my startup is done.