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> WeChat doesn't block or QoS other IM products

What I mean, telecoms might block IM service because SMS market were rapidly replaced by IM apps. It was highly disputed around 2012. Wechat generates so much traffic that their poor 2.5G cell network can not handle signal storms.

Not only that, Wechat had VoIP capability, which requires a high level license to operate in China. The whole OTT controversy can be found here https://www.zhihu.com/question/20847225

> WeChat works with various partners including "phone security" apps to make sure that this background process isn't being unnecessarily killed

Exactly what I meant, Tencent was large enough to negotiate, while other smaller IM brands were not so lucky. Wechat's success was standing on a giant's shoulder.

> because certain security vulnerabilities on older versions of Android system browsers

But newer versions of android Wechat still refuse to include system default browser as webview even if it's more up-to-date and safer, no?

Relationships with carriers is not new. WhatsApp negotiated a lot of carrier relationships in India early on.https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wired.com/2015/10/whatsapps...

We are seeing this same replicated in India (in a different sector). India's richest businessman has started a new telco because he has 23billion$ put in his new co which provides cheap data and started the trend of lower cost per sms/data for consumers.

Being rich and influential takes you to places for sure and since Tencent was actually powerful and had their own IM like GTalk, they had the skills and the presence for this. But we have to appreciate that they were not restrictive to their cash cow, they disrupted themselves and moved forward to create/acquire wechat

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