I know the pain of searching for software to meet your requirements. But unless you have a friend you can really trust to provide informed recommendations, nobody can take this pain away for you.
If all require projects to say negative things about other people's projects while talking up their own, a lot of projects are going to distort the facts. In the end, if we don't have the ability to evaluate the software ourselves, then all we are measuring is who can shout the loudest and who is the most aggressive against other projects. Quiet projects will still be good, but now those would be overlooked even more because they aren't shouting. With this requirement you are making your life easier but you are making life harder on open source developers by forcing them to deal with unnecessary inter-project drama and to divert lots of effort into marketing that could have been put into code. That might make sense in proprietary products, but in open source this kind of demand just hurts the ecosystem.
If the pain of choosing is too much then choose something that is standardized, or the most popular thing, or what your trusted friend recommends. People will seek out the very specific projects they need. If you don't even know why you are using something, it isn't the responsibility of someone else to tell you why you are using it!
I think you're right, when actually using it for production software it's probably wise to not be a trailblazer :)
For me this wish for a comparison (that I'd love to be objective and in god spirit of course - naive?) is probably coming more from "shopping around" between projects. Or just when seeing a new thing on HN and wondering if I should investigate adding this particular thing to my toolbox.
If all require projects to say negative things about other people's projects while talking up their own, a lot of projects are going to distort the facts. In the end, if we don't have the ability to evaluate the software ourselves, then all we are measuring is who can shout the loudest and who is the most aggressive against other projects. Quiet projects will still be good, but now those would be overlooked even more because they aren't shouting. With this requirement you are making your life easier but you are making life harder on open source developers by forcing them to deal with unnecessary inter-project drama and to divert lots of effort into marketing that could have been put into code. That might make sense in proprietary products, but in open source this kind of demand just hurts the ecosystem.
If the pain of choosing is too much then choose something that is standardized, or the most popular thing, or what your trusted friend recommends. People will seek out the very specific projects they need. If you don't even know why you are using something, it isn't the responsibility of someone else to tell you why you are using it!