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Might also check out Ant Design. https://ant.design/

It's integrated with React and there's a separate mobile UI for it. Ant is Chinese, with docs translated into English. Like China, it's huge^^ I've just been fooling around with it today for the first time in create-react-app and seems good so far. Haven't tried on mobile.

Slick, first library that gets many things right I think. However, there's apparently a desktop-version and a mobile-version. Is this normal? Don't people make responsive designs these days, but separate UIs for mobile/desktop?

I like that you can import just the css you need for a component. Semantic ui should do this too.

Some mobile glitches with Ant, but I'm considering trying it. I only need a few components

Semantic-UI does allow this. If you look in the build folder, it has CSS files for every component, and you can include whichever you need.

I started working with it yesterday. It's a little gratuitous on hover state animation usage but has otherwise been very pleasant!

I also couldn't find css classes just for coloring text in the docs anywhere which kinda made me sad, but wasn't too hard to add a couple to my baseline css. I just wish there were a text-primary class or something (is there one that I missed?)

Been using this library and generally impressed. +1

Looks great! I wish the doc was fully translated though.

Wow Ant Design looks pretty great.

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