This is classic young-person-fails-to-understand-venerable-standard-so-he-reimplements-half-of-it.
Messagepack is schemaless and noncanonical. What that means is that a lot of the bounds/field checking is pushed up to the application layer. I wouldn't encode crypto with that (and I love Messagepack).
All the hate for ASN.1, yet it is among the most battle-tested specifications out there. Blaming ASN.1 for the shitty ASN.1 parsers written in the 80's and 90's is like blaming libsocket for all the network attacks.
Nobody should really care whether something is or isn't an IETF standard. The cart has been dragging the horses with internet standardization for well over a decade now.
Isn't CBOR just IETF's bikeshedded MessagePack? I'm not trying to be snarky: I don't have strong opinions about encoding formats.
"CBOR is better than MessagePack because it's better designed" is a good argument, I think --- but: you'd want it to be so much better that the difference is material.
"CBOR is better than MessagePack because it's standardized" is not, I think, a persuasive argument.
Yeah, I skipped all the drama, read the spec and implemented an encoder/decoder. CBOR is just how MessagePack-like format should have been done from the beginning: it's technically superior in a sense that it's neat and simple, replacing many specialized rules with one generalization.
I agree that IETF standardization isn't a good argument (well, for some it is), that's why I replied with a better argument :) But, seriously, I won't say that everyone should replace MessagePack everywhere with CBOR, both work fine (as long as you use the latest version of MessagePack, with binary/string distinction).
Looking at CBOR spec, I see that it is just more complex. Two ways to encode lists/strings -- indefinite-length and strings. 16-bit floats in the main spec. Separation of "null" and "undefined" values. And tags, with which define things like decimal fractions, bigints, and regexps.
The tags are the worst, actually. Sure, spec says "decoders do not need to understand tags", but this is not really the case. For example, if someone has floating point numbers and worries about precision loss, they can store the value as _decimal fraction_ (per section 2.4.3). This means that your decoders have to support both tagging and your favorite bignum library just to make sense of the data. In comparison, in msgpack (or json or xml or anything else) you would just have to store a string representation -- trivial to convert to either regular floats if you do not care, or to pass to your favorite bignum library (and this will be simple, as all of them support constructor based on ascii strings).
In general, I think optional tags in data-interchange protocols are a very bad idea. For example, there is a tag for "Standard date/time string" and for "Epoch-based date/time". Which means that either:
- You schema says "date/time", and your decoder now must support both of them (and probably untagged strings, and integers too). So this is an extra complexity in your decoder.
- Your schema says "date/time in 'Standard date/time string' format", and now every encoder user must make sure the emitted value is encoded and tagged appropriately. This means you cannot do `x = cbor_encode({"now": date})`, you have to read your encoder documentation to make sure the CBOR encoder you are using will generate the required encoding.
So extra complexity in either case, and no real benefits. Better stick to msgpack, at least it has no extensions defined currently.
Seriously, I just don't understand how can you described the benefits of CBOR and claim that they are its drawbacks.
Yes, you have to read the documentation of your encoder/decoder to understand what tag values it maps to your programming language's objects, but if you need to encode or decode those same values with MessagePack you'll have to define your own format for them and document it. You just moved this problem up the stack, but with an ad-hoc format.
Separation of "null" and "undefined" is for full JavaScript support. Before C99, C didn't have boolean type, but you wouldn't complain if serialization formats had them, would you? Same thing "undefined": while it's useless in most other languages, it's useful to have it for JavaScript.
I don't like float16 too - they took 19 lines of decoder code to support (no need to support it in encoder) — but it's the same situation as with "undefined" — some people need it.
CBOR is MessagePack. At least cbor-ruby started with the MessagePack sources. There's nothing at all complicated about MessagePack, there are a few types, they all have small prefixes, end of format. The story is that Carsten took MessagePack, wrote a standard and added some things he wanted, and called it something else. I personally think this is pretty bad faith, but I admit I haven't been involved in the community or discussions, so it's possible there are some things I don't know.
Disclaimer: I wrote and maintain a MessagePack library.
> (CBOR introduced) a neat [type|length] encoding instead of just [type], which
> applies to all types - integers, floats, strings, maps, etc.
Not really. For example there's no 11-bit integer type. In fact, CBOR is more-or-less identical to MP in this regard: there are a set number of (we'll use CBOR parlance here) tags, each of which indicates the length of succeeding binary data.
If you're just saying "length follows type", then this is in fact exactly how MP works. If you have 30 bytes of raw data, you use the bin 8 tag (0xc4), write 0x1e for the length, and then memcpy your data into your buffer.
I'd like to discuss CBOR's design, which I think is very poorly thought out.
CBOR is broken because of indefinite-length data types. A CBOR implementation has to accept an infinite stream of data. Besides being impossible, this is unacceptable for pretty much any application. It's also poorly specified; Section 3.1 reads:
In a streaming application, a data stream may be composed of a sequence of
CBOR data items concatenated back-to-back. In such an environment, the
decoder immediately begins decoding a new data item if data is found after
the end of a previous data item.
"Immediately" is troubling here, in fact, the section goes on:
Note that some applications and protocols will not want to use
indefinite-length encoding. Using indefinite-length encoding allows an
encoder to not need to marshal all the data for counting, but it requires a
decoder to allocate increasing amounts of memory while waiting for the end
of the item. This might be fine for some applications but not others.
I really don't know what to do here. The data format requires your application to allocate indefinitely, and the spec even says "this might be bad for you". Come on.
CBOR's tags are pretty much MP v5's Extension types, but the spec makes them more confusing. Here's an excerpt:
Decoders do not need to understand tags, and thus tags may be of little
value in applications where the implementation decoding that stream know
the semantic meaning of each item in the data flow. Their primary purpose
in this specification is to define common data types such as dates.
So far, so good. CBOR then goes on to define more than a dozen tags:
- Standard date/time string
- Epoch-based date/time
- Positive bignum
- Negative bignum
- Decimal fraction
- Bigfloat
- Expected conversion to base64url encoding
- Expected conversion to base64 encoding
- Expected conversion to base16 encoding
- Encoded CBOR data item
- base64url
- base64
- Regular expression
- MIME message
- Self-describe CBOR
Besides being over-engineered ("Expected conversion to X"? "MIME message"?!), this puts pressure on implementations to support these extension types. The reason MP doesn't do this is that, for example, BigNum support isn't free and you don't want to tie your binary format to it. CBOR's spec says implementations are free to not convert these (at least, that's how I interpret "Decoders do not need to understand tags"), but it creates a schism: most dynamic languages include BigNum support (Ruby, Python, etc.), but at least C and C++ don't. This creates pressure on C/C++ implementations to pull in a lot of extra baggage, something the MP authors specifically and thoughtfully avoided.
Even worse, tags are undefined behavior in CBOR. Section 3.5 reads:
A decoder that comes across a tag (Section 2.4) that it does not recognize,
such as a tag that was added to the IANA registry after the decoder was
deployed or a tag that the decoder chose not to implement, might issue a
warning, might stop processing altogether, might handle the error and
present the unknown tag value together with the contained data item to the
application (as is expected of generic decoders), might ignore the tag and
simply present the contained data item only to the application, or take
some other type of action.
"some other type of action" is deeply worrying. Even more deeply worrying is that this applies to anything at all in CBOR:
A decoder that comes across a simple value (Section 2.3) that it does not
recognize, such as a value that was added to the IANA registry after the
decoder was deployed or a value that the decoder chose not to implement,
might issue a warning, might stop processing altogether, might handle the
error by making the unknown value available to the application as such (as
is expected of generic decoders), or take some other type of action.
I choose not to implement `int`. I decide instead to fill up your home folder. I'm a compliant CBOR implementation.
Canonical CBOR is a bad idea, as outlined by ludocode elsewhere. Generally speaking, canonicalization is application-specific and attempts to codify it end up being nonsensical, overwrought, or incomplete. And hey look, CBOR's is nonsensical AND incomplete: it punts on floats and tags.
There is no technical justification for CBOR. I know some places require standards, and that could've been solved by working with Sadayuki. I'm legitimately at a loss.
I know you're not into the "drama" part, but I think it's beneficial to get into it a little. Feel free to ignore; it's why I put it down here.
I'm not gonna characterize things. I'll just list links. I feel like that's the most fair way to do things.
It's also worth pointing out that CBOR's RFC is incorrect and unfair in its description of MP. Heres's Section E.2.:
MessagePack has been essentially stable since it was first published around
2011; it has not yet had a transition. The evolution of MessagePack is
impeded by an imperative to maintain complete backwards compatibility with
existing stored data, while only few bytecodes are still available for
extension. Repeated requests over the years from the MessagePack user
community to separate out binary and text strings in the encoding recently
have led to an extension proposal that would leave MessagePack's "raw" data
ambiguous between its usages for binary and text data. The extension
mechanism for MessagePack remains unclear.
MP v5 specifies separate types for string data and raw binary data. MP v5 is backwards-compatible with v4; in fact the v5 standard says implementations should provide a v4 compatibility mode. Nothing about the separate types for string and raw data is ambiguous; they're as separate as any other variable-length type. MP v5 includes a clear and simple extension mechanism:
MessagePack allows applications to define application-specific types using
the Extension type. Extension type consists of an integer and byte array
where the integer represents a kind of type and the byte array represents
data. Applications can assign 0 - 127 to store application-specific type
information. MessagePack reserves -1 - -128 for future extension to add
predefined types which will be described in separated documents.
No, CBOR should not replace MessagePack. The CBOR spec was written without the participation of the MessagePack community or the consent of its creator. CBOR added a number of questionable and unpopular features that lacked community consensus such as variable-length arrays and maps, or prefix tags for an arbitrary list of semantic types (URI, mimetype, base64, etc.) It also proposes various levels of strictness and canonicalization such as key sorting of maps based on binary representation. All of this complicates encoding and parsing which runs counter to the goals of a simple binary format.
Wait, since when do you have to have the consent of the creator of one serialization format to create another?
Tagged values are useful! Because of the simplicity of CBOR (compared to MessagePack), it's about 3 lines of code to implement them in the encoder.
I'm not sure I understand your complaint about canonical mode. First of all, it's optional, and secondly, it's actually good that it's defined in the spec, otherwise you'd have multiple incompatible formats like canonical JSON.
Of course they don't need consent. The point is that standardization is meaningless without the support and participation of implementers and users. This is why CBOR has made no progress in replacing MessagePack.
The point about strictness and canonical mode are that they are poorly thought out. For example, sorting based on binary representation requires multi-pass encoding which is slow, complex, error prone, and completely non-intuitive: [1,2,3] comes before 100000 which comes before [1,2,3,4].
Does anyone have a link to a run-down on reasons to prefer this format over CMS? The community's been iterating on that for ~20 years now (RSA PKCS#7, RFC 3852, RFC 5652, and a pile of other formats/protocols built on top of these) and so far nothing is jumping out to make me think this is an improvement.
I can think of at least 3 reasons for not using CMS/PKCS #7:
1. CMS is using ASN.1 as others have mentioned. That alone is a deal-breaker and a major reason CMS implementation are hard, uncommon, and ever-so-slightly incompatible.
2. CMS requires certificates, which are harder to generate, verify and deal with than simple public keys.
3. CMS allows you to use any combination of ciphers, including weak one. Experience with TLS told us that this flexibility is NOT good feature when it comes to crypto standards.
Public keys without certificates have no meaning. Certificates bind public keys with information like identity and permissions. That's pretty important for cryptography.
Not using ASN.1 is a massive improvement. ASN.1 is turing complete. That means you cannot computationally decide if two certificates are equivilent, assuming advanced enough fuckery.
This is very very bad.
ASN.1 (which is also used in x509) is a catastrophicly awful format for encoding certificates or other crypto operations, and is the direct cause of a huge amount of SSL/TLS security issues.
ASN.1 is a horror show, and the actual implementations of it that are available are even worse-- I've still yet to find an open source implementation of BER that strictly matches the spec, correctly accepting and interpreting all values that should be accepted and rejecting all values that should not... but I believe that you're joking about "turing complete".
... But ASN.1 is so bad that I'm not completely sure. Can you confirm or cite?
ASN.1 as used by Internet PKIX X.509 uses [1] a form known as DER (Distinguished Encoding Rules) which provide a canonical way encoding any particular value such that any particular value can take only one specific form.
I assume it's ASCII rather than UTF-8 to maximize compatibility with systems that may or may not handle UTF-8 correctly.
Actually, yeah, that's pretty much what they said:
The changes here are small: we've reduced our characters to base62 plus some period markers, and only at the ends of words. PGP messages often get mangled by different apps, websites, and smart text processors.
I understand their reasoning, but base62 is obnoxious to deal with. I'd prefer base32. 1) case insensitive, 2) works better with OCR (assuming a sensible variant is chosen), and 3) can be processed with simple bit-shifts
Simply printing stuff out onto alkaline/archival paper and sticking it in a vault still remains in much of the world an important part of retention/preservation schemes and contracts (and in some jurisdictions/cases may even be a regulatory requirement). Properly stored quality paper can have a lifespan of 500-1000 years, can have some favorable tradeoffs in terms of reader future-proofing and upkeep vs purely digital storage, etc. No reason not to want to take advantage of signing/encryption just because it's paper, or be able to easily retain important messages in their native format.
You could argue that this doesn't need to be part of a message format itself because it'd be perfectly possible to write an intermediation layer for print that simply translates arbitrary input to an OCR favorable output and back, and maybe that'd make sense anyway if there are other desirable choices for properties like parity unique to print/archival/OCR. Still, to the extent that a format base choice is arbitrary and makes no particular difference to the humans or computers involved since they'll be intermediating through software anyway, better OCR properties doesn't seem like an entirely unreasonable metric to consider as part of the design considerations if there isn't a compelling reason otherwise.
Isn't that situation a good place to use QR codes? It might be a large code (im not sure the limitations of QR codes) but it would eliminate the need for OCR. Nobody is going to be decrypting it by hand so you don't really need letters that are human readable. The base62 form works well for posting online but for printing QR seems like a good format to me
So QR codes are great as part of a designed workflow where the reading app is well understood. The challenge comes in more ad hoc scenarios.
Also QR codes hit a certain practicality limit with size (2953 bytes to stay in spec)
Perhaps a meta-point is that when you are trying to design a general purpose interchange format, there will always be scenarios that you didn't imagine. In this case I have raised OCR and (legitimately) many people's responses have been a rather polite WTF (although I did garner one downvote). Experience teaches us that formats will be used in unexpected ways.
I freely admit that it's a stretch, but I'd rather scan/photograph a public key than try and copy it by hand (which base32 is also better at). And I won't put a USB device of unknown provenance into a device I use. So sometimes pictures and or printouts are a good way of sharing data.
It also occurs to me that OCR implies a computer, but it could just as legitimately mean a human reading text
If you're sharing this stuff optically, you'd almost certainly be better off with something like a big QR code. QR can be scanned at angles, has built-in error correction, and (depending on the font you're comparing it against) can probably pack in more bytes. OCR feels more like a hack than anything; you're using a human-readable format with an error-prone medium to communicate non-human-friendly data between two machines!
I don't see it either. I could see someone printing their backup key, and then scanning it back in to their system, but the data is authenticated so OCR flipping characters would be detected -- also if you're doing that you're better off using a QRcode with native ECC.
Printed text is not the best way to transmit machine-readable data on physical media. You're better off using something a QR code, rather than printing out raw characters that you then have to OCR at consumption-time.
Not totally sure what BaseX is, how it compares versus Base64, especially post HTTP deflate compressions, but I'm not sure I like it. I'm pretty sure this kind of exercise is better left out, and that everyone should just use zstd on whatever encoding so as to decouple problem domains.
Round two of skepticism: msgpack is a niche player with no clear big corporate sponsor. Protobufs, flatbufs, and thrift are all actively making faster better quicker implementations, but I can not off the top of my head think of any major msgpack lovers. Avro also seems to just generally have some fast impls already, especially on platforms I care about[1], so credit there too. I ought review, but out of hand I can't think of anything distinguishing about msgpack.
Definitely nice having some alternative to Salmon protocol[2] (as in Buzz, OStatus) on hand. Alas I believe it's again fully encapsulating, versus say http signatures[3], where the signature is decoupled from the payload. It takes both types!! Neither is right.
The creator of MessagePack has a gist discussing some of its use-cases [0]. One area where it stands out is with its great language support.
Unfortunately, I'm not familiarized enough with the subject to comment on how each format stacks up against various alternatives.
I sometimes scroll through an app's licenses page, and I've spotted MessagePack a few times in big-name companies. It's just not a very flashy subject.
The authors explicitly compare saltpack and PGP, and all of you questions get answered when you think about it as "better PGP", an encryption designed to be used with email, generic online messengers, forums and so on:
> Not totally sure what BaseX is, how it compares versus Base64, especially post HTTP deflate compressions, but I'm not sure I like it.
BaseX is "armor" -- a way to insert binary data into the text-only media such as email messages and forum posts. It seems to be way more convenient, as it uses no punctuation and is whitespace-insensetive. For example, I have once tries to send PGP message via gmail web interface and it took me two or three tries to figure out how to properly paste the text without gmail inserting extra whitespace and making the message undecodeable. BaseX should not have such problems. It is slightly less efficient that base64, including under compression, but I think it is worth it.
> I'm pretty sure this kind of exercise is better left out, and that everyone should just use zstd on whatever encoding so as to decouple problem domains.
Are you talking about zstd as in "Zstandard - Fast real-time compression algorithm"? This has nothing to do with this proposal, there is no compression anywhere in there.
> Round two of skepticism: msgpack is a niche player with no clear big corporate sponsor. Protobufs, flatbufs, and thrift are all actively making faster better quicker implementations, but I can not off the top of my head think of any major msgpack lovers. Avro also seems to just generally have some fast impls already, especially on platforms I care about[1], so credit there too.
The deserialization speed does not really matter. All saltpack messages are encrypted, and your decryption time will dominate your deserialization time.
> I ought review, but out of hand I can't think of anything distinguishing about msgpack.
Well, msgpack is in a completely different group from Protobufs/flatbufs/and thrift. The former is a protocol, which is implemented by a number of libraries, while the latter is a specific library, available from a single vendor only.
As a result, msgpack has fewer features (no schema support at all), but is not bound to a single large corporation. IMHO, a right choice for global communication protocol.
> Definitely nice having some alternative to Salmon protocol[2] (as in Buzz, OStatus) on hand.
Wait, what? Salmon is about blogs on the web, HTTP posts, XML schemas embedded in HTML. The encryption is only a small part of it.
Saltpack is about encryption email/chat/messaging, has no specification of payload format, and designed to work without HTTP using efficient formats. I see very few common things between two protocols.
> Alas I believe it's again fully encapsulating, versus say http signatures[3], where the signature is decoupled from the payload. It takes both types!! Neither is right.
Well, the big difference is that http signatures have no encryption while saltpack has it. So just two very different goals that they want to achieve.
I'm basically obligated to reply to a long long list of mudslinging and disfavorment on your part here- section by section:
1. You randomly talk about BaseX ad nauseum but brely mention what I was actually critical of- it's advantages vs base64. I still have no clean picture why not base64, like everyone else, which would serve the exact same needs.
2. You just finish talking about compression then slam me for mentioning compression as a relevant factor.
3. You criticize deser speed as not important, say decryption will dominate. But while the message format may be competing with PGP it's inner payload is msgpack and I expect inside the firewall systems to have canonical text as msgpack, and performance is relevant. But I didn't initially grok that msgpack is the inner payload, that the BaseX text is the normal messaging format.
4. You try to pull some technical distinction nonsense about msgpack being just a messaging format by talking about how competitors also have other stuff too, while also being a message format. I find this distinction in bad faith and believe most techs could reasonably see there is way more overlap than differences. Your advantage ends up rather accurately being "msgpcka has fewer features" and chalk up the advantage as some nebulous political one, while ignoring the fact that Thrift is owned by the most reliable open source org on the planet Apache whereas Msgpack is just some rando project.
5. You obviously don't know what Salmon is for. Your decision to focus on some apparently unrelated technical things that it corresponds with ignores that it is a (XML)signing format for arbitrary content. HTTP and HTML have no bearing on what Salmon Digital Signing Protocol is, yet you harp on them to draw a false contrast, and as usual you refuse to acknowledge that there could be some bearing or relationship that I had validly called out.
I'd like to better understand some of your valid points, but some of your arguments seem done in very bad faith and there to argue rather than explain or demonstrate. I have a hard time understanding how I can start to reconcile our two point of views with what you have written.
Great. We can now salt food, salt passwords, configure things using Salt(Stack), and now also use saltpack as a messaging format. Can we stop overloading the term "salt"? Makes it ridiculous to search for things on Google.
The name here refers to the NaCl library, which is what saltpack uses for all it's crypto. DJB says that "NaCl" is pronounced "salt", so officially speaking, I say "saltpack" is pronounced "nacklepack" :)
Messagepack is schemaless and noncanonical. What that means is that a lot of the bounds/field checking is pushed up to the application layer. I wouldn't encode crypto with that (and I love Messagepack).
All the hate for ASN.1, yet it is among the most battle-tested specifications out there. Blaming ASN.1 for the shitty ASN.1 parsers written in the 80's and 90's is like blaming libsocket for all the network attacks.