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> "It is legal for a licensed gun owner to open-carry in California." Falsehood.

Except that it is true. Well, "licensed gun owner" isn't actually a thing at all (licenses aren't needed to own guns), but the natural interpretation of it as "gun owner who also has an appropriate license" makes the statement true, it's just that there are only limited places in California where you can be appropriately licensed for open carry of handguns (counties with a population under 200,000.)

Sorry, but that is factually incorrect.

"licensed gun owner to open-carry in California", as I read it, is "a gun owner licensed to open-carry in California".

Regardless, you can't get a license to open carry in California, as no such license exists, and open carry is illegal in California under California Penal Code Section 26350[1]. So, you may be able to legally carry a firearm in California, but unless you're a law enforcement, you may not carry openly. This has been adjudicated in court in Peruta v. San Diego[2], and the courts found that an outright ban on open carry for the citizenry comported with the second amendment.

So, as a private citizen, you might be able to carry a firearm, but you would have to do so in a concealed fashion, and only after being licensed to do so. In order to obtain a license, you have to apply with your county sheriff, they have to evaluate whether you are of good moral character, whether you have a legitimate reason for carrying a firearm, that you have completed 16+ hours of training, and that you are a resident of their county. Noting that 'self defense' is not a valid reason for issuance, most applications are denied, though that undoubtedly varies from county to county.

[1] - http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection...

[2] - https://www.ca9.uscourts.gov/content/view.php?pk_id=00000007...

Your link [1] seems to be concerned exclusively with handguns. I see that there is still hunting that takes place in California:


...someone can correct me if it is limited to archery, or if you can only hunt with a "concealed" long gun or shotgun in the state of California.

A fantastic rebuttal, and you're probably correct. I don't know what it means in the wake of Peruta, but your probably correct for firearms (like rifles, shotguns) that aren't capable of being concealed.

Note though that the parent refers specifically to handguns. Regardless, thanks for the addition/correction.

>Note though that the parent refers specifically to handguns.

Also there are limitations on the locations where open-carry of unloaded handguns aren't allowed. Specifically, [1] states those locations as:

    (A) A public place or public street in an incorporated city or city and county.
    (B) A public street in a prohibited area of an unincorporated area of a county or city and county.
    (C) A public place in a prohibited area of a county or city and county.
...it would seem like you could open carry unloaded handguns in unincorporated counties where it isn't specifically prohibited. Are their any of those places in California? National Forest areas would be one area I'd first look at. A google search comes up with unincorporated areas:



...in fact it appears there there are no incorporated cities in Alpine County:


...but of course there could be other regulations that prohibit open carry of handguns in those areas.

Is hunting with a handgun illegal in California?

> Regardless, you can't get a license to open carry in California, as no such license exists

Open carry licenses do exist, and you can get them, from the Sheriff of a County with population under 200,000; see Penal Code section 26150(b)(2).

> and open carry is illegal in California under California Penal Code Section 26350

26350 applies to unloaded firearms, and there are a whole slew of exceptions to it in sections 26361-26391, including, most critically, an exception for anyone permitted to openly carry a loaded firearm on the same circumstances (Section 26362) Which includes, naturally, people with open carry permits as described above. (see Section 26010)

Rather than linking each individual section mentioned above, I'll just link the Table of Contents for Division 5 of Title 4 of Part 6 the Penal Code, which covers all of them.


>Open carry licenses do exist, and you can get them, from the Sheriff of a County with population under 200,000;

It looks like the 30 California counties with population of less than 200,000 have a combined land area of 73,063 square miles, while the 27 counties with populations over 200,000 have a combined land area of 83,022 square miles. So about 47% of the state is composed of counties with a population less than 200,000.

There's either an error in one of the counts or a county left out somewhere in there, because California has 58, not 57, counties, but it probably doesn't change the percentage of land area much either way.

Good catch. I apparently was off by one in counting the over 200,000 population counties, but there are actually 28 counties in my spreadsheet, so the area should be correct (but someone might want to double check anyway).

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