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Is that ageism or do you reference something worthwhile or funny?

I'm only making fun of "thinking like a 94 year old": There is no such thing in my opinion. ( And to be a genius you only have to work on something to the point of obsession but some may disagree )

There are many more people who are considered obsessed with something and are not considered geniuses than there are people who are considered geniuses.

An easy example is music. The world is full of professional and amateur musicians, many of who are considered obsessed and yet people considered geniuses rare, perhaps only a handful every century.

Well, how do you know? How many 94y old non-retired professors have you interacted with yet?

Look like the title has changed since my comment : the original one being "To be a genius, think like a 94 years old".

I still think it did deserve to be made fun of.

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