>Well, the rig utility can help, it creates a random identity. For some reason rig will never generate an identity that lives in Utah.
Heh, I was curious why that is. Was the author from UT? Afraid of breaking some laws? After looking at the source, the author has a list of 60 or so cities and they're spread across 25 states: SC, AZ, TX, OH, KS, IA, WI, MI, NJ, NY, PA, IN, VA, NC, RI, TN, WA, MS, CA, IL, CO, FL, GA, MN, NE. So UT was not the only one omitted.
Is there something similar which also creates email adresses and stores the generated profiles in a database in order to retrieve them again later? May be even have the ability to store associated passwords?
where can you actually find the code?
For whatever reason, I can't get it from my centos distro (yum search rig, doesn't show anything related).
And googling "linux rig command", I don't see any links to the actual source.
I've seen a 'banner' command in some Unix versions. Often used to print the motd (message of the day) that you got when you logged in, and also by sysadmins to write a banner message to everyone's terminal like "System going down in 10 minutes" etc.
Unix terminal can be endless fun with piping and process substitution. One of the reasons people like GUI is because recognition memory is usually better than recall memory.
I don't remember where did I get this from but it is a cool thing to add to your .bashrc
#teach you some new commands every time you open a new terminal
echo 'Did you know that:'
echo $( whatis $(ls /bin | shuf | head -1))
echo $( whatis $(ls /sbin | shuf | head -1))
echo $( whatis $(ls /usr/bin | shuf | head -1))
Does anyone have a place/site for browsing through new/popular utilities? I've been on Ubuntu for the last year and I love it, but reading this I just realised I don't have anywhere to browse or find things like this.
You can view a list of new Ubuntu packages from its website [0]. You might also want to check out the packages in the games [1], misc [2] and text [3] sections, which are full of fun utilities. You might also want to view the man pages from the games section [4].
Well, this is not specifically for utilities in the sense of scripts in a file, or compiled binaries, but commandlinefu.com has many Unix one-or-more-liners.
You kids today and your fancy command lines. When I was in sixth grade, state of the art joking around with technology meant multiplying two numbers on a calculator with red LEDs and turning it upside down to (sort of) spell SHELL OIL
On Ubuntu, say isn't available by default, but I think `espeak` is, and it works mostly the same. At least, it's always been there on my Ubuntu systems, but I may have installed it manually and then forgot about it :)
For rot13, I've found it particularly helpful to have an alias set up to translate the contents of the clipboard. I basically always have a terminal on screen, so to read rot13 text I just have to copy and run a single command. On OS X:
alias rot13='tr a-zA-Z n-za-mN-ZA-M'
alias pbr13='pbpaste | rot13; echo'
(echo adds a newline to play well with bash; on linux I use xsel instead of pbpaste.)
bb is not a project, it is a demo[1] from the demoscene. It ranked 10th at abduction 1997[2].
The demoscene is an unending source of awesome and amazing. The 4k and 64k categories will blow your mind, if you ever wondered "can a FPS game could be done in under 100kB?", the answer has been released in 2004 and its name is .kkrieger[3]
A couple of days ago I created “jazzup” a fun cli utility that adds a soundtrack and movie quotes to your long running boring commands. Check it out on npm : https://www.npmjs.com/package/jazzup
Heh, I was curious why that is. Was the author from UT? Afraid of breaking some laws? After looking at the source, the author has a list of 60 or so cities and they're spread across 25 states: SC, AZ, TX, OH, KS, IA, WI, MI, NJ, NY, PA, IN, VA, NC, RI, TN, WA, MS, CA, IL, CO, FL, GA, MN, NE. So UT was not the only one omitted.
Oh well, at least my curiosity was satisfied.