Ways in which it resembles a religious belief: proponents argue passionately, seem impossible to be dissuaded even in the face of ridicule, and talk about some sort of transcendence beyond the normal human condition; some get together and chant litanies.
Ways it is different: obsession over cognitive heuristics and biases, AI is not supernatural and must be human caused, behavior not totally certain (it is "risk" after all), no perks that true believers receive should their hopes and wishes come true that non-believers or apostates don't also receive nor revenge fantasies of such, no requirement for tithing, no Big Alpha divine or otherwise to represent or interpret or decree official approved beliefs (though I'll admit Big Yud can seem close), no anthropomorphizing the AI, and proponents concede evidence not faith must determine beliefs and actions so are willing to look for such.
Ways it is different: obsession over cognitive heuristics and biases, AI is not supernatural and must be human caused, behavior not totally certain (it is "risk" after all), no perks that true believers receive should their hopes and wishes come true that non-believers or apostates don't also receive nor revenge fantasies of such, no requirement for tithing, no Big Alpha divine or otherwise to represent or interpret or decree official approved beliefs (though I'll admit Big Yud can seem close), no anthropomorphizing the AI, and proponents concede evidence not faith must determine beliefs and actions so are willing to look for such.