Assange had an AMA on reddit, and he said they received Trump intel pre election and judged it was not worthy of releasing compared to the Clinton data dump.
Whenever this comes up, I like to ask what people would expect could be revealed about Trump that would materially change anything. The Clinton campaign raked him over the coals to the point that deluded people now think wearing a vagina-shaped hat is some manner of effective protest. It seems pretty likely that any leaks about Trump would be boring in comparison to how he appears in the public eye in the first place.
If someone sends real leaks to Wikileaks and they don't publish, then the leakers can use alternative channels to distribute the leaks (for example, sending directly to journalists), and then accuse Wikileaks of not publishing. Has anyone already accused Wikileaks of not publishing real leaks?
> WikiLeaks, he told a Moscow newspaper, had obtained compromising materials “about Russia, about your government and your businessmen.”
> Mr. Assange, asked soon after by Time magazine whether he still planned to expose the secret dealings of the Kremlin, reiterated his earlier vow. “Yes indeed,” he said.
> But that promised assault would not materialize. Instead, with Mr. Assange’s legal troubles mounting, Mr. Putin would come to his defense.
For added irony, at the time the Pres. Elect was "bragging" about how he didn't feel the need to even read such intelligence, as he was "smart enough to know what was going on" and got other information from the "shows he watched".
Maybe, maybe not. How would we know they do that?