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Oculus certainly has some room scale. I use it fine in my 12x12 room. It's otherwise better than the Vive in a lot of ways. Asw, atw, screen door, audio, comfort, clarity across the fov, controllers, apps. The bigger room scale is about the only thing the Vive does better.

Oculus needs 3 tracking devices for room scale, and is still smaller and buggier. Games are required to be designed for 180 degrees instead of 360 like the vive. Vive is also getting wireless headset support this quarter (TPcast).

Oculus poured far too much money into paying off developers for exclusive titles than trying to compete on technology, and as far as I can tell are falling further behind.

I've read that the wireless options are coming tonRift as well. Why wouldn't they? Oculus just doesn't talk as much publicly. 360 tracking works for me with three sensors. The Rift is less expensive than Vive now too.

It seems like you are cherry picking your facts, which indicates you have technology religion. So no point discussing with you.

I have both....you cherry picked yours too. There is a large difference in experience, and I'm just endlessly annoyed Rift hasn't delivered on their promises, and buy exclusives vs develop tech. I'd say I'm a fair weather fan of either tbh.

I'm sure I came across as more argumentative than I meant to be.

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