Oh come the fuck on, if that's the position you're going to take at least own up to it.
I asked why his continued employment ought to be predicated on never giving the impression that he holds beliefs that people like you find offensive.
You say "It's not." But it obviously was. We can all see that it was, that's what TFA (as well as all the other press about Lucky in the last 12 months) is about: His perceived beliefs, how unacceptable they are to you, and whether or not he ought to be cast out as a consequence.
What you meant to say was "He should have known better than to give the impression that he believes things that I, and people like me, disapprove of."
I asked why his continued employment ought to be predicated on never giving the impression that he holds beliefs that people like you find offensive.
You say "It's not." But it obviously was. We can all see that it was, that's what TFA (as well as all the other press about Lucky in the last 12 months) is about: His perceived beliefs, how unacceptable they are to you, and whether or not he ought to be cast out as a consequence.
What you meant to say was "He should have known better than to give the impression that he believes things that I, and people like me, disapprove of."