Being a weird is far more dangerous than being a normal. We agree.
Being gay is far more dangerous than being straight.
Being Muslim in a majority Christian or Hindu society is far more dangerous than being a adherent of the prevailing religion.
We could list examples all day, but it's a plainly obvious phenomenon. What I want to know is why so many people seem to act as if there's inherent moral superiority in being in the majority. There isn't.
(Also, cute bit of doublespeak characterizing a challenge to orthodoxy as "thought policing".)
Based on some of the things Trump has said about mexicans, muslims, women, etc, I'm finding it really hard to believe you don't understand why people would be offended by his supporters. If I told you all women are property and should be subservient to men, would you really want to have an honest conversation with me? Are we really at a point where "I grab them by the pussy" is something that is up for debate?
Going against the grain has, and will always be a dangerous proposition and no amount of thought policing will change that.