I would think 2.2 might be appealing, though, given the substantial speedups some people have reported with it. Assuming those come from improved efficiency in the VM, that would be of most benefit to the weakest processors. There's nothing I can see from the CDD that suggests that at least 2.1 wouldn't be supported on these devices, even with limited (or no) graphics flare.
You're correct, I believe 2.1 will run on the same kernel it currently has, albeit sans graphical acceleration.
IIRC, 2.2 will at minimum require someone to build a newer kernel, which AFAIK noone has worked out how to do (see my post above about proprietary WM8505 modules.)
It's hard for a noob like me to work it all out though, because almost noone is releasing any source or doing their development work in public (I intend to post anything useful that I figure out.)