The entire purpose of a code review is to highlight things that are wrong. You can't point out things that are wrong without someone being able to spin your comments as some kind of toxic masculine impulse to show basal-primate technical dominance through demonstration of superior shamanistic technical knowledge.
Get a fucking grip. Pointing out a buffer overflow isn't sexism. It's pointing out a fucking buffer overflow.
You could have communicated your point without the aggression. That's what I presume is gedy's original point.
> You can't point out things that are wrong without someone being able to spin your comments as some kind of toxic masculine impulse to show basal-primate technical dominance through demonstration of superior shamanistic technical knowledge.
Who hurt you? I suggest you find greener pastures if you truly believe that.
Come on, you know as well as I do that there's a large chunk of (mostly male, frequently young) who LOVE to point out how wrong someone it to show how wrong someone else is. Whether it's aggressive or just passive aggressive there alternative ways to be polite and not off-putting to those less aggressive.
Pointing out things that are wrong is fine. If you're incapable of doing that without being rude or condescending then code reviews aren't going to be the only place your lack of social graces hinders you.