For me this shows the difference between theoretical setting and what you would want to do in practice. I have been following 6.824 (where this is sourced from), to learn something about distributed systems programming and it was great fun to shed a lot of figurative sweat to convert those 26 (actually) lines into working "production" code. Hundreds lines of code, because in real-life we have packet loss, network partitions, etc. But the pseudo-code in the link itself is correct, however, it doesn't tell the whole story.
Finally - I wholeheartedly recommend the 6.824 course to anyone interested in distributed systems. Even if you don't like strong consistency, you'll learn a lot about testing and debugging distributed systems, the knowledge you can re-use later in your career.
Now I am repeating that experience, as Akka project contributor ( ) on getting delta-CRDTs into Akka. And again - what was a few lines of pseudo-code in the original paper, or even tens of lines of real code but in some ideal setting ( ) is becoming literally thousands lines of "production grade" code.
Finally - I wholeheartedly recommend the 6.824 course to anyone interested in distributed systems. Even if you don't like strong consistency, you'll learn a lot about testing and debugging distributed systems, the knowledge you can re-use later in your career.