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The important difference is that “pro” supports the stylus, while “non-pro” does not.

Is that really the biggest difference? Sure, a stylus might be important, but they could just make all models work with the stylus.

There are several differences, which any given person might find more appealing.

Pro offers:

- Better processing power

- Better sound (more speakers)

- Better resolution cameras (about +4MP on both)

- Thinner (1.4 mm)

- Lighter (.04 lbs)

- Higher storage capacity

- Pencil & Keyboard (the ipad smart KB, bluetooth should work on both) support

And possibly the non-pro does not have P3 wide color gamut support?

If I was buying one for a family member I would buy the iPad, not the pro unless I specifically knew they needed one of these features—of which, the keyboard and pencil support seem most probable, cameras probably second.

Personally, I have the pro with the keyboard and pencil, and I love it for most day to day use. I have not yet tried to code on it, but I am dubious that I will ever be able to rely on it as my primary/only computing device. However, for meetings, classes or speaking engagements I find it highly versatile and fits a niche my laptop never would.

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