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Not an app but I found this awesome: http://drawabox.com/

That looks exactly like what I want. I never really researched it before because the last thing in the world that I need is another thing to dedicate time to.

I swear if I could afford to be retired today, I could keep myself busy for the rest of my life with stuff like this. My Dad retired a couple of years ago and I think he's bored much of the time. It drives me crazy.

Call it a historical irony: those in the generation which can afford to retire have generally built their lives so closely around their work that, without it, they can find nothing to do; meanwhile, those of us who have plenty of ideas for how we'd spend such a vast amount of economically secure free time will mostly never be able to afford it.

When the lotto jackpot reaches around $500 million, I'll spend $5 on tickets (it happens maybe once a year). It's easily worth it for the few days I get to dream about setting up the ultimate workshop or being able to travel to find the greatest teachers.

I'd also buy a nice watch.

We do the same things!

Thanks for the link, this is exactly was I was looking for!

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