as a European I pity you for not having data protection regulations.
Instead you have to deal with unregulated, unreasonable despotism.
ISPs are telecommunication providers and bound to special secrecy, disclosing browsing history is punishable by criminal law (ยง 88 TKG in Germany).
Cambridge Analytics showed us, how dangerous it is for democracy to know users habits, values, attitudes, preferences and their contact details and how easy it is to manipulate individuals.
US-Americans, you seriously need to wake up and get your democracy back before your society is to Orwellian.
Also, you are giving a bad example.
And stop cheering USA USA USA, your society is malformed and dysfunctional, you shouldn't be proud of it and lie to your self about it.
ISPs are telecommunication providers and bound to special secrecy, disclosing browsing history is punishable by criminal law (ยง 88 TKG in Germany).
Cambridge Analytics showed us, how dangerous it is for democracy to know users habits, values, attitudes, preferences and their contact details and how easy it is to manipulate individuals.
US-Americans, you seriously need to wake up and get your democracy back before your society is to Orwellian.
Also, you are giving a bad example. And stop cheering USA USA USA, your society is malformed and dysfunctional, you shouldn't be proud of it and lie to your self about it.