>> police want to know who has searched for a particular name [douglas] used as part of that fraud
This is a super click-bait headline. Sounds like Police got the search history of everyone in the city. The reality, which is quickly explained in the article, is nothing like that. They have a list of people in the city who searched for a pretty specific term and it sounds like Google does the digging and gives them a list of names.
Whether that's a problem or not is still up for debate but that headline is ridiculous.
This is a super click-bait headline. Sounds like Police got the search history of everyone in the city. The reality, which is quickly explained in the article, is nothing like that. They have a list of people in the city who searched for a pretty specific term and it sounds like Google does the digging and gives them a list of names.
Whether that's a problem or not is still up for debate but that headline is ridiculous.