No, it is pathetic that you are unaware of Trump's exclusion of major news sources from coverage, baseless attacks on the credibility of sourced articles, and explicit statements that he desires to go after news organizations for unfavorable reporting using libel laws. Especially in the light of his recent slander against Obama regarding wiretapping.
If you have your eyes closed in denial, then there is nothing I can do for you. The fact that you consider my statement "ridiculous" or "hysterical" just goes to show how utterly deluded you are about the activities and hypocrisy that he's actually engaged in. Trump has absolutely no interest in defending free speech, only his speech.
> baseless attacks on the credibility of sourced articles
I'm sure potus gets it wrong firing from hip so often, but I don't know to which articles you're referring. These news outlets are on full attack against this administration. Just look at positive vs negative news coverage.
> Only 3 percent of the reports about Trump that aired on NBC and CBS were positive, while 43 percent were negative and 54 percent were neutral.
You can hurl insults about the US president all you want. But, this is not the forum for it. And if you do, please show some proof.
People are getting hysterical, making ridiculous statements intended to invoke certain feelings about the potus based on false premises.
It's completely transparent and lame.