1) Deep ignorance of British Cultural and Educational institutions. I honestly didn't equate this with "University of London is world class, you idiot" type thinking. I don't know why, I think it comes from the fact that some universities want to seem more legit, at least in the US, will attempt to sort of use a well known universities naming scheme. Like [American University](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_University) which is has a solid reputation as a learning institution and [American Public University](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Public_University_Sys...) which for all I can tell, attempts to ride the back of the name of American University, but is not exactly known for its quality of education.
2) Given that, I felt uncomfortable even given some research poking around I was doing stating anything too affirmatively.
1) Deep ignorance of British Cultural and Educational institutions. I honestly didn't equate this with "University of London is world class, you idiot" type thinking. I don't know why, I think it comes from the fact that some universities want to seem more legit, at least in the US, will attempt to sort of use a well known universities naming scheme. Like [American University](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_University) which is has a solid reputation as a learning institution and [American Public University](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Public_University_Sys...) which for all I can tell, attempts to ride the back of the name of American University, but is not exactly known for its quality of education.
2) Given that, I felt uncomfortable even given some research poking around I was doing stating anything too affirmatively.