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Before emoji, fonts and colors were independent. Combining the two creates a mess. Try using emoji in an editor with syntax coloring. We got into this because some people thought that single-color emoji were racist.[1] So now there are five skin tone options. The no-option case is usually rendered as bright yellow, which comes from the old AOL client. They got it from the happy-face icon of the 1970s.

Here's the current list of valid emoji, including upcoming ones being added in the next revision.[2]

A reasonable test for passwords is to run them through an IDNA checker, which checks whether a string is acceptable as a domain name component. This catches most weird stuff, such as mixed left-to-right and right-to-left symbols, zero-width markers, homoglyphs, and emoji.

[1] https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-intersect/wp/2015/02... [2] http://unicode.org/emoji/charts-beta/full-emoji-list.html

Unicode does not require fonts to use color, and the spec does try to deal with the case where you don't want to use color; explicitly talking about black-and-white renderings in multiple places. This is no different for the skin tone modifiers, it's perfectly okay to fall back to a greyscale emoji (indeed, it might make sense to render all emoji in greyscale or B&W in a text editor).

> [...] it's perfectly okay to fall back to a greyscale emoji [...]

...if you want to destroy the user experience. Practically many implementations would be forced to support colors. (I'm personally okay with that, but just to be correct)

> We got into this because some people thought that single-color emoji were racist.

Emoji skin colour and emoji using colour are two unrelated concerns.

Not if you have to render them, or store them in a font. There are now color fonts.[1] Firefox and Microsoft Edge now support them. It's done with SVG artwork inside OpenType font files.

[1] https://color.typekit.com/

> Not if you have to render them, or store them in a font.

I think you misunderstood the comment to which you replied. What it was saying is that emoji fitzpatrick scale and color fonts are orthogonal concerns, you can do skin tones in grayscale.

Yes. Also, emoji were in colour long before there was the suggestion of adding skin-tone modifiers.

There are multiple ways to encode colors in OpenType fonts: not only SVG (which is probably the least common way), but also the Microsoft COLR table and PNG raster glyphs (used by Apple).

> Before emoji, fonts and colors were independent.

Fonts and colors are still, for the most part, independent. Color or the lack thereof is a property of your font and text rendering subsystems. For instance Noto Emoji provides B&W emoji, and Noto Color Emoji provides colored ones.

> A reasonable test for passwords is to run them through an IDNA checker, which checks whether a string is acceptable as a domain name component. This catches most weird stuff, such as mixed left-to-right and right-to-left symbols, zero-width markers, homoglyphs, and emoji.

Why test this at all? It's not as if a website should ever need to render a user's password as text. Is there another use case for excluding this "weird stuff" that I'm not seeing?

Suppose I include 'ü': LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS in my password. I switch to a different browser/OS/language and now when I enter "ü" I get 'u': LATIN SMALL LETTER U + ' ̈': COMBINING DIAERESIS. I can't log in anymore, though what I do is identical and defined to be equivalent. Especially if the password is hashed before comparing it, you can't treat it as just a sequence of bytes.

You don't need to use IDNA for this, though. There are standards specifically for dealing with Unicode passwords, such as SASLprep (RFC 4013) and PRECIS (RFC 7564).

I would not actually disallow these characters, but you may warn the user about the existance of problematic characters in their password of choice.

If I want to use äöüßÄÖÜẞ because I'm confident that I can properly type them on all devices I'll need to type then, then let me. It's not your concern what method of input I'm using.

And maybe, just maybe, using latin characters is actually more of a hassle for a user anyway. (I think the risk of that occoring is low, but still. At the moment, it's a self-fulfilling prophecy that all users have proper method to input atin script available. We simply force them to have one.)

Edit: And the confusion is also possible with just latin characters. U+0430 looks exactly like "a", but has a different code point and thus ruins the hash.

I agree, if it can live in a byte buffer and not crash the transport mechanism or hash function then it's good enough for me

It's interesting that in certain subcultures, including a large portion of the tech community, things that are non-racial are now considered racist. Not only do you have to be "racially aware", as they say, but you have to be racially aware in the right way. Being "colorblind" isn't enough anymore. Even the emoticons have to express race!

Perhaps predictably, this has backfired and will continue to backfire quite spectacularly; it turns out that when you force people to start thinking along racial lines, they might not end up with the exact same ideas about race that you have. I suspect this may be a large contributing factor behind the recent resurgence of ethno-nationalism (see the Alt Right et al.).

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