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In both bash and zsh, you can force the shell to use $PATH for lookup (bypassing functions and shell builtins) by calling a builtin name with 'command' ('command time -l ls'). You can equivalently force a builtin with 'builtin', but that does not work with reserved words (and 'time' is a shell reserved word).

TIL that a shell reserved word is different from a shell builtin.


Yeah. Shell semantics can be pretty unintuitive sometimes. I often find it helpful to translate these ideas to standard programming language terms.

* Commands are like functions * Commands in /bin etc. are like library functions * Builtins are like a language's primitive functions * Keywords are keywords

Me, too. I was surprised because I was trying to use `builtin time`. :)

You can also just prefix the command with a backslash. "\time" will run the version in the path.

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