Nice. I have been appreciating Clojure a lot more recently because my largest customer uses it (so I am using it). There is a lot to like: practical language, good decisions on how Java integration is done, nice setup for supporting contrib library, easy to use stable 1.1 or 1.2 depending on project (since with leinigen I put clojure.jar and clojure-contrib.jar in each project's lib directory), nice Emacs support with swank-clojure, etc.
I dont hire other programmers but if I did I would appreciate have so much Clojure specific talent in one organization. I hope that Clojure/core prospers - they deserve it.
Something about a commercial website with its sense of self-interest versus welcoming-user-focus causes me a gut bad reaction.
Postgres is an good example of doing this right IMHO:
the commercial aspects are underplayed and yet they have a good business. With Postgres I feel I can contribute even if I am not part of the "core." I think Clojure and the businesses around it benefit from keeping the same open, welcoming feeling.
I have been very interested in Clojure and haven't seen it put a foot wrong so far. This is an unexpected "off" note.
EDIT: Languages and tools do prosper and my point here is to highlight how they do so by building a community and what Clojure's "core" risk through making this distinction.
EDIT: I know about - my point is that (note the .com) downplays the us-vs-them-ness that comes with a commercial tombstone site. Also the announced redirect indicates to me the change in tone is intentional - I hope they readjust. They can keep the community-sense and still have a good business.
I think the us v.s. them aspect of this is all in your head. We all like working on our hobbies, but unless we're able to get paid for it that's all they'll ever be.
Clojure has been trying to solve this problem for a while (see If they're able to make something like this work then I think that's great. It's still an open source project, it's not like they'll be rejecting patches because they come from the wrong people.
It just means that more people can do Clojure for a living, which'll improve the language itself and the platform for everyone.
You may have missed my point. I take time to offer supported criticism because I want to see Clojure succeed. To succeed, Clojure must keep the community or there is no business in supporting the language.
Some language comparisons: Perl got where it is on the strength of its community which now supports many language-focused businesses. Community is also cited as one of the strengths of Python and Ruby which also have associated thriving businesses. Community is regularly cited as a problem with LISP (wait, wait, hold the spears - I'm a LISPer too!). PTL Scheme is the exception that seems to prove the rule - good community there.
Languages and tools do prosper and my point here is to highlight how they do so by building a community and what Clojure's "core" risk through making this distinction.
I see I may initiate a language dispute and that is not my intention. Other projects just seem the best source of supporting comparisons.
Why do you think it is a bad idea to differentiate clearly (.com vs. .org) between the business and community aspects of Clojure?
I understand biz talk is a bit of a turnoff when primarily interested in the community aspects but I would expect somebody with limited technical understanding but responsibility on the biz side to prefer a site addressing their immediate concerns (which I think does fine).
The only nitpick I would have is that it is not obvious to me if they're targeting startups or established businesses. In the later case "Training" (or "Coaching"?), "Development" (or "Seeding"?) and "Support" might be more on target than "Mentor", "Dev", and "Sustain". In the former (= startup) case I imagine their wording to be very good, but does anybody know if there is actually a market in Development and/or Mentoring consulting for startups?
Would you care to elaborate? Your assertion implies that arc is going to surpass clojure in popularity. Why do you think so? Personally I think that's unlikely to happen given the traction that clojure has been getting already. Clojure has been designed for practical use and is already being used in real world projects whereas I get the impression that arc is sort of a research project where Paul is just experimenting with some ideas and is not constrained by the desire to do practical work.
I didn't make any assertions. Clojure is wildly successful and follows a pattern of development that seems fruitful to emulate. But in the story, the tortoise does win.
It's not a story. It's a paradox. The tortoise loses, but the paradox pitches logic against intuition and is thus educational, like a koan (from a different cultural tradition). I am not sure if it is applicable to Clojure (as well as Arc and lisp in general) where intuition follows logic rather than contradicts it.
Yes! The functional aspects of lisp have always made it feel more parallelizable, but outside of particular lisp dialects (*Lisp), effective parallelization has been difficult. Pervasive immutable data structures and front page concurrency mechanisms make clojure decidedly parallel.
(I hope that parallel being the only way to gain additional performance should be obvious by now.)
In a hundred years, will any of the stuff in Arc matter? What exactly? The innovation in Arc is minimal, Clojure does much more in new and better ways.
concurrent high-performance immutable data sounds pretty much like the fabric of reality. So I would hazard a YES :) In fact it'll probably matter in a million years from now.
Why not have multi-core version of other tech, unless you are talking Quantum Computing, though isn't that in some ways the ultimate form of multi-core?
Is there anything promising about Arc other than being PG's pet language?
I'm not knocking PG here - I just don't see Arc having any real differences from all the other lisp variants. There's nothing revolutionary about it. Which is fine - it is a 100-year language, not a revolutionary language.
I just wonder what the odds are that anyone remembers it in a decade. People use langauges that are unique, and as far as I can see, Arc is not all that unique (unless you're the sort of person who becomes highly excited about the minutia of Lisp semantics)
I dont hire other programmers but if I did I would appreciate have so much Clojure specific talent in one organization. I hope that Clojure/core prospers - they deserve it.