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Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation by Shriram Krishnamurthi (brown.edu)
34 points by jacquesm on May 25, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

My professor used this for my Advanced Programming Languages class at school. The book is good, but I found some of those first few chapters could have used some more examples.

Just glanced through the book and was pleasantly surprised to see that the code is lisp. Adding this to my reading list.

Well... Scheme, actually. The author is one of the PLT Scheme developers. The PLT DrScheme environment has features built in expressly for running the code in this book.

I also have SICP on my reading list so I just thought this would make a great follow up to that text since by then I would have a good grasp of scheme and functional programming.

You might have better luck reading it before (or in tandem with) SICP, actually.

PLAI is intended as an alternative to EoPL, which is also quite worthwhile.

FAQ, w/ some other notes about prerequisites - http://www.cs.brown.edu/~sk/Publications/Books/ProgLangs/200...

On current releases of PLT Scheme, you can use:

#lang plai

to write the programs in the book, instead of using PLaneT.

I actually posted this as a sort of test, forgive me.

It is about as on-topic for HN as it gets and it is useful.

I was wondering if it would gain more or less upvotes than the next installment of the facebook soap.


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