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Enspiral Dev Academy | Bootcamp Teacher/Developer | Wellington, New Zealand | ONSITE

Enspiral Dev Academy (EDA) is on the lookout for teachers! Teachers who are professional programmers, who love programming and want to share it with others. We are developing NZ’s next generation of technical talent and we believe that learning how to work effectively with other people is just as important as the craft of programming.

EDA is New Zealand’s first developer bootcamp that trains exceptional beginners on the fundamentals of web development. We take pride in graduating students who are quick learners and matched to the current industry requirements.

Teachers lead by example, demonstrating their passion for learning and their commitment to programming as a craft.

Being a teacher at EDA is more like being a trekking guide rather than a follow-the-textbook style lecturer. Teachers lead discussions, guide inquiry, pair programme with students, emphasise key areas, support students in their projects and challenges, and provide feedback to students and each other.

What we need is:

* Minimum 3 years experience with web development

* Knowledge of JavaScript/EcmaScript 6, Node.js/npm, React and Redux

* Someone who understands teaching and what it means to support a student’s learning journey.

A more complete description and application is available here: http://www.trademe.co.nz/jobs/it/programming-development/lis... .

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