I'm sorry but Killerstartups is really lacking. Try searching for Dropbox for example. Nothing there. It's also hard to not click on an ad. I'm all for making money given that they are free but it's very spammy.
Also, what's up with their grainy images? Me thinks they should have set the jpg quality to at least 80 and not 10. Maybe they can't justify the extra half a cent/month?
Summing up here: I think Killerstartups is a horrible site with a great name.
On a more positive note: feedmyapp.com looks promising. As I said before I do wish HN would separate out review/rate my startup posts. Most web startups worth talking about are talked about here.
http://springwise.com is another website I use to discover new and interesting ideas. Reality is you need to keep your ear to the ground in a few places.