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> asdflkj:

> For the typical American nerd, indoctrinated into thinking that there's something deeply wrong with him as a man and that any woman charitable enough to touch him should eternally be paid tribute to, that may be the norm.

> Otherwise, yeah, there's something seriously wrong when your wife tells you what to do with your life, except w.r.t. intimate matters.

Where do you pick up she tells him what to do?

Can't they simply talk about it and agree on a strategy?

Anyone who is married knows "happy wife, happy life".


> asdflkj wrote:

> What does his wife know about how it feels to work at Microsoft, or to run a startup? I'll hazard that "nothing". How could her input possibly be valuable, except as a warning, along the lines of "you'll do as I say or I'll make your life bad"?

I'm at a loss to answer you and not violate HNs etiquette so I'll leave it at that if that's ok with you.

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