Also seconding the recommendations to talk to a doctor before you do anything. I know that usually goes without saying, but it deserves emphasis given the article is about diabetes. As the current top comment points out, fasting can be very dangerous for diabetics.
Oddly enough I an a doctor of sorts - qualified in medicine 25 years ago, but left immediately to do other things. Thanks for the link. I'm pretty sure I'm not hypocaloric. I make sure I eat enough during the 9 out of 14 days on which I eat, and I haven't lost weight. And yes, none of my comments refer to diabetes.
Based on the parent's fasting regimen, and assuming they fast Monday to Friday, that would mean 9 days of normal eating between fasts. If you eat a normal healthy diet during those 9 days, you will be fine. Malnutrition takes more than 5 days to develop.