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That's not what Starcraft AI field is about. They actually started with a combo of people doing planner-oriented systems and micro-oriented systems. Hybrids followed that. There's many methods at play. Here's a survey:


The competitions that involved humans showed humans destroyed them by spotting their patterns and beating those patterns. Also with bluffing or distractions such as having one unit do weird things around their base as the human player built up an army. The bots that beat humans will have to learn to spot bluffs and other weird patterns humans will do to screw with them. On top of all the stuff prior AI did with human-level talent. My money is on humans for DeepMind vs Starcraft although I'm happy to be proven wrong.

I don't think DeepMind will get into a high-profile competition against human pros unless they're fairly certain of winning. So if we see the equivalent of the AlphaGo versus Lee Sedol match being announced for Starcraft, then my money would be on DeepMind.

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