"it is my choice to defend us doing better than before and that we definitely have work to do."
which doesn't even parse. I certainly can't deduce any meaning from it other than it being something that could be said in any situation and mean equally nothing. And that's the problem with marketing speak right there, it kind of assumes the listener to not pay attention either to what the words are actually saying, or that they're not saying anything.
Also, if your post is not to be taken to discount the other experiences, what is it supposed to mean then? That in a big company with systematic issues not every single person necessarily comes into direct contact with them? Imagine if it came out that in just 1% of McDonald's restaurants people pee in the sauce regularly, with management covering up for them.. who cares about some random person working in some random branch who never witnessed that? You could find such stories about anything, there's people right now in North Korea who had nothing but a great life, I bet you. And you know, the person who tells you they are tired of something like that is being more your friend than the person who lets you put your foot in your mouth like that without any commentary, at least that's how I see it.
I stole and slightly changed this this from a game developer talk about a technical subject, but I think it fits so perfectly in so many situations: imagine you go to a doctor and tell him you have cancer, and he says "oh, while I don't want to diminish your experience, let me tell you about this other patient of mine who doesn't have cancer, as a matter of fact they just come in for routine checks, always in great shape. Great family, too!". And then when you freak out on them, they berate you about putting it into perspective and being "productive" when discussing health. And oh boy, don't you dare suggesting to damage their business by telling everyone on the planet to not go to that doctor. Why do we accept sleeping in the bed one made for individuals, but not companies?
Either we have a free market, where consumers and workers call the shots, or we have a constantly massaged shit show. And that's why we're still stuck with companies like Microsoft, instead of simply ending them, and then founding two more from the talent in their space, who without the crap the original company was punished for will achieve more. What it is it you believe in about Uber so much that it could not be possibly exist in another or a new company? If the leaders who are responsible can't do the right thing, why can't you do it for them?
I don't want to seem like I'm discounting anyone's experience - it seems some interpret me as doing that. Argh.
I'm hoping we as a community (HN) can keep it in perspective and be productive in how we discuss it.