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> Uber employees used cocaine in the bathrooms at private parties

Oh my god!!!! At a private party no less.

If you can't see the beat up here, vague allegations to run with a current theme that's getting press (clicks) you need to be more critical of the news and not blindly follow articles that just reinforce your preconceived ideas.

Not sure why you're being downvoted, but calling out cocaine usage at a private all hands party in Vegas seems tabloidish to me, too, but it's buried far enough below the fold that I don't think it had much to do with clicks.

You've cherry picked a single example that you don't necessarily disagree with and expect everyone to dismiss the entire article? That's not being critical.

> Another manager threatened to beat an underperforming employee’s head in with a baseball bat.

Do you really thing he threaten that or was making a joke? Was the employee ok with that and was this someone overhearing it?

> a manager groped several female employees. (The manager was terminated within 12 hours.)

Someone did something very wrong and was immediately fired. What more do you want?

>One employee hijacked a private shuttle bus, filled it with friends and took it for a joy ride

Do you reckon they used guns or baseball bats during the hijacking?

This is a standard stitch up we've seen done to tech companies before. It's formulaic.

Take vague behavior/mistakes/missteps that's not unusual in society, give a couple of examples as though it means something about this company and imply it means blah blah blah.

No, I think they went down to the lobby (quite possibly already under the influence of alcohol or drugs) and okay, let's not call it a hijacking, but _stole_ a private shuttle bus (and if I recall the original article correctly, left it at another casino).

Stitch up, indeed. "Vague behavior". Also known as grand theft auto.

Blah blah blah, like you say.

Fell free to link to this imaginary article.

There are plenty of articles about the party, yet none happen to mention it? How strange..... Sounds newsworthy to me.

Do you really think people would get drugged up and steal a 'random' bus at a work party?

This whole article stinks, but that's the society we live in, truths and common logic have been thrown out.

Actually it was more like "Uber employees used cocaine in the bathrooms at a private party hosted at a hotel in Vegas, where a manager also ran about groping multiple female employees, and another group hijacked a hotel shuttle bus and took it for a joy ride".

I have nothing against many forms of recreational drug use, but to chop that paragraph here and squawk "OMG, beat up non story!" is disingenuous at best.

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