Is naked self-interest not exactly what's going on here? Do you think these people relishing the thought of some deus ex machina overturning of the 2016 election by the "deep state" wouldn't be arguing these exact same points were the shoe on the other foot?
>The reason we have the concept of checks and balances is because democracy needs to be restrained.
Where exactly does the unelected and unaccountable "deep state" fit into our system of checks and balances? Do we even know what level of power and influence they have, or over whom they have it? If they do a bad job, will we be able to signal our dissatisfaction with the officials we do democratically elect? Do we even know who these people are?
Is naked self-interest not exactly what's going on here? Do you think these people relishing the thought of some deus ex machina overturning of the 2016 election by the "deep state" wouldn't be arguing these exact same points were the shoe on the other foot?
>The reason we have the concept of checks and balances is because democracy needs to be restrained.
Where exactly does the unelected and unaccountable "deep state" fit into our system of checks and balances? Do we even know what level of power and influence they have, or over whom they have it? If they do a bad job, will we be able to signal our dissatisfaction with the officials we do democratically elect? Do we even know who these people are?