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It would be illegal in Germany to shoot down a hijacked airliner and ordering the pilot to do so would be an illegitimate order the pilot would be forbidden from following. The most anyone could do would be the Minister of Defence of the Chancellor talking directly to the pilot and telling her that they would take the fall if her conscience allowed them to shoot down the plane. The pilot would still face a trial with uncertain results.

So, please stop with the alternative facts and the conspiracy stuff. Not every country works like the US of A, unbelievably.

Others say you might be wrong: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13686868

> It would be illegal in Germany to shoot down a hijacked airliner and ordering the pilot to do so would be an illegitimate order the pilot would be forbidden from following

Yeah we're going need a source on that. Don't even think of pulling up that vague Grundgesetz about human dignity, the legality of refusing an order would be established AFTER the fact. To call such an order illegal before any court judgement is the very thing that you are branding as an alternative fact.

Decision 1 BvR 357/05 (https://www.bundesverfassungsgericht.de/SharedDocs/Entscheid...):

>The armed forces’ authorisation pursuant to § 14.3 of the Aviation Security Act (Luftsicherheitsgesetz – LuftSiG) to shoot down by the direct use of armed force an aircraft that is intended to be used against human lives is incompatible with the right to life under Article 2.2 sentence 1 of the Basic Law in conjunction with the guarantee of human dignity under Article 1.1 of the Basic Law to the extent that it affects persons on board the aircraft who are not participants in the crime.

It sounds incredibly dumb and the fact that nobody has challenged and changed this is testament to the pace of public official life. If somebody were to get a nuclear bomb on a civilian plane, the german government would be constitutionally obligated to let them fly to wherever they want. I imagine that in real life the german government would ask France or Great Britain to quickly fly over and do the job for them. Afterwards it's nobody's fault and we can all keep pretending that the Grundgesetz is perfect.

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